About the Journal

About IYRC journal:

The IYRC journal is an open-access, peer-reviewed research journal for high school students, run and operated by International Young Researchers’ Conference (IYRC) (a non-profit organization). It provides a high-quality platform for student researchers worldwide to showcase their research findings. We strive to empower students, helping them recognize their potential as scientists from the early stages of their academic journey.

IYRC journal publishes a variety of articles including original research articles, reviews and narratives. Topics covered in the journal include, but are not limited to: Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Social Science, Environmental Science, communities project and others.

Journal policies:

Originality of Content: When you submit a manuscript to IYRC journal, its content must be original and not overlap with any other papers from you or your co-authors' groups that are currently under consideration or published in other journals, with the exception of conference abstracts.

Exclusive Submission: Manuscripts submitted to IYRC journal should not be simultaneously submitted to other publications. Authors must agree to submit their work exclusively to IYRC and refrain from submitting it to other journals during the review process.

Plagiarism and Copyright: Authors are responsible for ensuring that their submissions do not contain any plagiarized material. Proper credit and citation must be given to the sources used. By submitting a manuscript, authors affirm that they have the right to publish the work and grant IYRC the right to publish it under the journal's policy.

Review and Editorial Discretion: IYRC reserves the right to decline publication of a paper even after it has been accepted if serious problems with the scientific content or violations of our publishing policies are discovered during the review process or after acceptance.

Ethical Conduct: Authors should adhere to high ethical standards in conducting research and reporting results. Any cases of research misconduct, data fabrication, or falsification will result in rejection of the manuscript.

Authorship and Contribution: All authors must have made significant contributions to the research and agree to the manuscript's submission. Any changes to authorship after submission must be communicated to and approved by the editorial board.

Peer Review Process: All submitted manuscripts will undergo a peer review process. Reviewers' comments and recommendations will be provided to the authors for necessary revisions.

By submitting their manuscripts to IYRC, authors acknowledge that they have read and understood these journal policies and agree to comply with them.